Unique nuts from Afghanistan

Before the long -standing war, Afghanistan was world -renowned for unique nuts, almonds, grains and dried fruits. Today, they are rarely sold in Europe. Warfair wants the products back on the market and recreate the brand of Afghanistan as a producer of high quality nuts, almonds and grains.

That's why we have a strip of very special and delicious products on the way. Jalghoza pine nuts, Shakhurbai almonds both with and without soft shells and sweet apricot kernels. More products are coming.

They are cultivated in Afghanistan's semi -dry mountains - on the brink of the Himalaya mountain range. The dry and nutrient -poor soil in the high -lying areas gives kernels, nuts and almonds a strong and unique taste.

They are especially grown by farmers with small plots of land who gently harvest, cleanse and sort the nuts in their hand. It provides both income and jobs. This is needed in Afghanistan.

Two of the products can already be purchased at Basic Nuts and more will follow our Warfair store.